On 5 July 2019, the sustainability institute applied to the built environment of SUPSI, with support from the Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), of EnergieSchweiz, in collaboration with the magazine Hochparterre, carried out an event on the subject of solar energy. The subject of the event open to the public was the integration of solar energy in historic buildings and talk of energy recovery, of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in architecture. During the session the magazine Solaris # 03 was presented together with the solarchitecture.com platform in Ticino. The event was organized with the support of the BIPV meets History research Project, under the Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Program, co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund, the Italian State, the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Ticino.
For more information, please visit the SUPSI and Interreg Alpine Space ATLAS websites.