The new IEA Task 61 Annex 77 will focus on the identification of the potentialities of strategies combining daylighting and appropriate lighting control systems to lead both
to very high energy-efficient lighting schemes, and
to solutions offering the best lighting conditions for human being.
This program will bring together, during 3,5 years, 30-40 international experts and companies, involved in dynamic daylighting and lighting and their controls.
Useful knowledge and results from research will be gathered, concerning the perception of users concerning lighting quality, human interfaces and control strategies. We will propose models of lighting controls integrating user behavior and expectations. We will identify best possible approach of control solutions for lighting and daylighting (movable components of windows), with wireless and wired controls, open loop and closed loop, IoT, etc.). We will conduct onsite and laboratory monitoring of innovative solutions and publish results to document benefits. Part of the work will lead to deliverables to be forwarded as standardization proposals, in relation to CEN and ISO.

Objectives of the Workshop
Task experts will inform about the new project and planned deliverables
Industry speakers, task experts and workshop participants will actively exchange their experience
Obtain feedback from industry and learn about practitioners’ needs, for successful continuation of the work within IEA SHC Task 61 Annex 77
Welcome and coffee
Integrated Solutions for daylighting and electric lighting: Introducing IEA Task 61 Annex 77
Jan de Boer, Fraunhofer IBP, Germany
Subtask A: User perspective and requirements
Barbara Matusiak, NTNU, Norway
Subtask B: Integration and optimization of daylight and electric lighting
Marc Fontoynont, Aalborg University, Denmark
Subtask C: Design support for practitioners (Tools, Standards, Guidelines)
David Geisler-Moroder, Bartenbach, Austria
Subtask D: Lab and field study performance tracking
Werner Osterhaus, Aarhus University, Denmark
Q&A and coffee break
From theory to practice. An insight into the current building practice of Scandinavia
Jim Collin, ÅF Lighting, Sweden
Tuning the solar shading control strategy to minimize solar gains and maximize views and daylight; a case study
Harris Poirazis, Inform Design, Sweden
Q&A and coffee break
Practical example of daylight and electric light in a building with transparent solar cells: energy and visual aspects
Johan Röklander, SWECO, Sweden
The potential effect of building users on energy savings
Pimkamol Maleetipwan Mattsson, Lund University, Sweden
The practice for integrated daylight and electric lighting in China
Luo Tao, China Academy of Building Research, China
Panel discussion and lunch
Workshop Brochure
Registration Required
Participation fee: 1400 SEK + VAT including lunch and coffee (no extra fee for Task 61 / Annex 77 meeting participants)
Limitation of participants: 40
Cancellation policy: Fees will be returned to the participant if cancellation is made before 18 February 2018. For later cancellations, the full fees will be charged to the participant.